Fusion is a full-featured, node-based compositing system. Fusion allows for 3D scenes to light the real time deep volume systems and integrate the volumes directly into the images with World Position Passes.
Main features:
- Expanded Deep Channels - forward and back vector, and disparity
- Multi-Channel viewer
- PFTrack lens distortion model added to LensDistort ensures a seamless workflow to PixelFarm tools
- eyeonScript now contains LPeg, a comprehensive pattern-matching library for Lua
- ARRI color spaces have been added to the Gamut tool
- Rotoscoping export(SSF) updated including Bsplines, animation and double polyline
- RED HDRI Modes and Multi track support
- Jpeg 2000 loading and saving
- Vector and Disparity channel loading and saving from EXR files
- Expanded Fuse scripting and OpenCL 1.2 support
- Enhancements to the Timeline feature set
- Updated Spline controls and shaping
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